Today, it's been 3 years since I married my best friend. He's my rock. He's the only person that I don't want to throat punch on a daily basis.
For the last wedding anniversary post, I have pics of the ceremony and reception!
1) The girls stopped to make sure that I was coming. I don't think they realized that I would follow after they took off.
2) Adorable at it's best.
3) Sand ceremony with the kids. I love this pic of Peanut.
4) Pouring our sand in on top of the kids sand.
5) Telling them what a great job they did.
For those that don't know, a sand ceremony is usually where the bride and groom each have a certain color of sand and they take turns pouring it in and then pour at the same time to represent the combining of two lives. Because once sand grains are mixed, there's no separating them again, it's popular in weddings.
I picked this because I knew the kids would love it.
I had the red sand (Go Dawgs!), my husband had the blue sand, Button had purple, and Peanut had pink. I poured, then my husband poured, then each kid, and then my husband and I poured together at the end on top.
After the wedding, we all (bridal party included) danced back down the aisle to the Black Eyed Peas "I Got a Feeling". It was a blast. And that song always makes me tear up with happiness now.
And then when it was time to enter the reception, we and the bridal party were introduced and danced into the room to Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal".
Three of these pics make me laugh. Can you guess which ones?
Top left- Button is making an awesome face while playing with her flower girl necklace. There is a possibilty that Peanut said something nutty.
Top right- Listening to my mom's Welcome Speech.
Bottom left- Button again making a funny face. She looks either deep in thought or confused.
Bottom right- That's just Peanut and me being weird. I love the look on my husband's face. It sums up our family sometimes. LOL.
Kids Dancing:
They had a blast. Button's dancing was no match for the 30+ bobby pins in her hair though. All night, it slowly kept falling down.
And Peanut. Wow. She was not even 4 1/2 at the wedding and she out-danced EVERYONE. At one point, all of the guests made a circle around her on the dance floor and cheered her on. She was totally oblivious to it though. In that 3rd pic? She discovered that one wall was mirrors. So she's dancing and "showing the mirror". She was sweaty and tired but having the time of her life. She got sad when we said she needed to go to bed (it was after 10 and we had to be up early for the breakfast send-off). But, she didn't pitch a fit. She just said we needed to do it all again soon.
It was a wonderful day/night. Everyone from my side flew up from down south and for some, it was their first time in Minneapolis. And other than the off-and-on rain, it was great weather. (It was in the mid to upper 60's which made the southerners COLD.)
To close out the wedding anniversary posts, I leave you with a few pics that were shot right before my husband and I saw each other that day, a ride in an enormous limo/hummer thingie, and us during our first dance, which we included the kids in towards the end. I guess you could say that these are my favorites.
3 years down and many more to go!